surprise visit

美 [sərˈpraɪz ˈvɪzɪt]英 [səˈpraɪz ˈvɪzɪt]
  • 突然造访;突然来访
surprise visitsurprise visit
  1. His surprise visit comes as US is now one year away from its goal of pulling all combat troops from Iraq .


  2. After surprise visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan , Vice President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Iraq yesterday .


  3. The President paid today a surprise visit to two Medicare patients .


  4. And now we 're just going to pay a surprise visit ?


  5. Don 't ever pay a surprise visit to a child in college .


  6. Naomi paid a surprise visit to her old school in London .


  7. A surprise visit , attack , party .


  8. My uncle arrived here this afternoon on a surprise visit .


  9. Former president Bill Clinton made a surprise visit to North Korea on Tuesday .


  10. He made a surprise visit there on Friday , meeting with thousands of U.S. troops .


  11. Secretary of State John Kerry making a surprise visit to Iraq to meet the country 's new government .


  12. The elder Kim last week made a surprise visit to China , his country 's only powerful ally .


  13. US Defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld made a surprise visit to Baghdad on Wednesday .


  14. The surprise visit from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld .


  15. Meanwhile , Secretary of State , John Kerry made a surprise visit to Baghdad to meet with Iraq 's new leaders .


  16. British Prime Minister Tony Blair is on a surprise visit to Iraq on Dec.21,2004 .


  17. When George W.Bush was President , he made a surprise visit to serve Thanksgiving Day dinner to soldiers deployed overseas .


  18. Still , in his free time , he managed to keep in touch with Heather leading up to his surprise visit late last month .


  19. Secretary of State John Kerry is on a tour of the Middle East that started today with a surprise visit to Egypt .


  20. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a surprise visit to baghdad , speaking at the US embassy then meeting with Iraqi officials .


  21. Cheney 's surprise visit coincided with one by presidential candidate and U.S. Senator , John McCain , who arrived Sunday .


  22. The two countries had agreed on high-level talks scheduled for two months ago after a surprise visit to Seoul in October by a high-powered delegation from the North .


  23. Britain 's Defense Secretary Des Browne made a surprise visit to Iraq Wednesday and pledged support at the conference , held at the Basra airport .


  24. The release came after a surprise visit to the communist nation from Mr Clinton in the highest-level us contact with Pyongyang since he was president almost 10 years ago .


  25. Brown was on a surprise visit to British troops in southern Iraq and trying to boost his credentials to take over from Prime Minister Tony Blair sometime over the next year .


  26. US Vice President Calls for More NATO Support in Afghanistan Mounting concern about the resurgent Taliban and the Afghanistan economy have prompted the U.S. vice president to make a surprise visit there .


  27. Pitt and Jolie arrived unannounced in Vietnam after an earlier surprise visit this week to Cambodia where on Wednesday they toured a former Khmer Rouge death camp .


  28. The World Cup 's toughest security headache may be a surprise visit by President Barack Obama , South Africa 's police chief said Friday , joking that he secretly hoped the US side would bow out early .


  29. Christopher Hill , the US Assistant Secretary of state , yesterday paid a surprise visit to Pyongyang to try to revive the stop-start multilateral talks aimed at convincing North Korea to relinquish its nuclear ambitions .


  30. On a surprise visit to Belfast , both Prince William and Kate attempted the difficult flip for a charity fundraiser to mark Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day . William tossed his pancake with aplomb leaving Kate under pressure to perform .
